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Physical therapists are checking patients elbows at the clinic office room..jpg

Osteopaths don't just treat backs

Have a look at some of the frequently asked questions I hear from patients. 


Please note, all content within this page is provided for general information only and should not be substituted for medical advice of your own doctor or healthcare professional. Please make an appointment for a full personalised assessment and health screen.

Upper Back Massage


Why does my elbow hurt? There are many causes of elbow pain, however common injuries in this area are medial and lateral epicondylitis, known as golfers and tennis elbow - you don’t have to be a golfer or tennis player for this to occur! It is essentially inflammation around the tendons of the muscles that attach to your elbow and can be caused by repetitive strain injuries from work such as prolonged typing or heavy lifting. Hannah will use her highly developed palpatory skills to assess what is causing your elbow pain and give you alternative ways to work that prevent excessive stress on your elbow.


Why is it painful to lean on my elbow? This can be due to many different reasons. One common reason is where a small fluid filled sac called a bursa, on our elbow becomes inflamed, red and sore. This is known as bursitis. It can occur in many different parts of the body but if we lean on our elbow a little too often it can irritate the bursa, causing pain. Additionally, our 'funny bone', or ulna nerve sits in the groove of our elbow. If this is irritated it can cause pain. If you have experienced trauma to your elbow, it may be something more serious and require assessment to ensure further injury does not occur.

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