Osteopathy for back pain
About back pain
Your spine is made of solid, bony blocks reinforced by strong ligaments and muscles. It is surprisingly difficult to damage your spine but if strained, the surrounding muscles and ligaments can cause discomfort and pain.
How can your osteopath help?
Often back pain resolves quickly by itself, but if it persists for more than a few days an osteopath may be able to help. Osteopaths will often use gentle hands-on techniques to help resolve your back pain, together with exercise and advice designed to promote and maintain the best environment for a healthy back.
Research evidence shows that these osteopathic treatments can have beneficial effects, especially for back pain, helping you to return to normal activity.
Early diagnosis and treatment can aid recovery and get you back to normal activities more quickly. Stress can increase the amount of pain you feel by magnifying the effect of tension and muscle spasms. Your osteopath can give you advice about methods to aid your recovery and maintain a healthy back.
REMEMBER: Back pain is rarely due to any serious disease and the long-term outlook is good. If you do have any concerns about your back you can discuss this with your osteopath.