Osteopathy for children
Keeping your child healthy
Children's requirements differ depending on the stage of their development. As they grow from infants, toddlers, children to teenagers, your osteopath will consider your child's individual needs, age and stage of development, and adapt their advice and treatment accordingly.
How can your osteopath help?
Parents visit osteopaths for a range of reasons to support their child's health. Children, like adults, can be affected by general joint and muscle issues, which is one of the reasons people visit an osteopath. Parents will also take their children to visit an osteopath for a variety of other health reasons which may benefit from osteopathic care.
Osteopaths generally use a wide range of gentle hands-on techniques that focus on releasing tension, improving mobility and optimising function. This is often used together with exercise and helpful advice.
Hannah has been trained in very gentle techniques which are particularly suitable to assess and treat very young children, including babies. This is usually referred to as cranial osteopathy but other techniques can also be used.
What to expect
When you first visit the clinic, you'll be asked about the reason you have brought your child and their medical history. For babies and young children, this may include information about their birth. All information will be treated as confidential in accordance with the standards of practice set out by the General Osteopathic Council and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Hannah is in contact with local midwives, other health professionals and GP's. If required, she may recommend your child be referred to another specialist health professional to ensure that your child receives the best possible care.
Osteopathy for babies
Hannah treats babies, children and young people, typically using a mix of very gentle techniques, advice and in older children, exercises to do at home.
Muscular tensions can impact on babies in many different ways, such as discomfort in the feeding position, favouring turning their head one way when sleeping and difficulties with relaxing. Very gentle osteopathic techniques can help to improve this. Hannah has undertaken further training in paediatric osteopathy and uses her knowledge and experience to provide treatment and advice so that most people see a happier calmer baby very quickly.